The Path to
Self Publishing
Author Service Menu
The publishing landscape is expanding. More and more authors are choosing to self-publish, and the internet provides competitive sales and marketing opportunities against traditionally published novels. Gone are the days when your only chance of getting your book read is by finding a publishing house willing to produce and distribute it while owning your story’s copyright.
Did you know it’s widely believed that only 1–2% of querying authors actually land a publishing deal?
Self-publishing is a great way to keep full control and profit over your book’s lifetime. However, if you wish to be competitive in the market, you need to produce a product that upholds the same caliber of editorial excellence as those coming from publishing houses. At Rooted in Writing, our team works equally with big publishing houses and independent authors to provide market-ready novels. As an indie author, you get to be your own publisher. As your editing team, you can trust that we’re providing the same excellence and attention to detail.
Whether you’re a debut author or an established presence in the publishing landscape, this forest belongs to you. Let us dig deep into your story’s soil to nurture and grow your evergreen novel for seasons to come.
• overview •
Manuscript Assessment
our #1 author service
• Structure •
Developmental Editing
• Voice •
Line Edit
• Grammar •
Copy Editing
• design •
• correctness •
Grow Together with Our
Editing Packages
Growing evergreen novels and perennial authors
We’re here to empower you to grow in your authorprenuership beyond receiving a clean manuscript. In our editing packages, we dig deeper with you while your book is being edited to nurture either your book’s launch or author platform—depending on where you’re at in your career—at no additional charge. Why would someone ever go à la carte when this service is offered? We don’t know either. Click on a package below to learn more.
The Florist
line edit • copy edit
The Gardener
line edit • copy edit • typesetting • proofread
The Botanist
manuscript assessment • line edit • copy edit • typesetting • proofread
Editing Workflow for Indie Authors
Beta Readers
Have enfranchised readers from your intended market give the first feedback before hiring an editor.
Manuscript Assessment
If you do not do a developmental edit after an assessment, have more beta readers review your revised draft.
Developmental Edit
You can skip an assessment and go straight to developmental editing. If you do an assessment first, this service will be discounted.
Line Edit
Get a sample edit to see how a line edit can improve your writing.
Copy Edit
We may be able to combine this with line editing, depending on the condition of the writing.
Hire your third-party cover artist at this time, if you haven’t already.
This final stage of editing should be done after typesetting so we can also check the page spread layouts.
ARC Readers
You can send out advanced review copies either during the proofread or after, depending on your publishing timeline.
Launch Day
You are ready to publish! Make sure you build several weeks between the proofreading (when the file is ready to upload to KDP) and your launch to market your book.
Hire your third-party cover artist at this time, if you haven’t already.
This final stage of editing should be done after typesetting so we can also check the page spread layouts.
ARC Readers
You can send out advanced review copies either during the proofread or after, depending on your publishing timeline.
Launch Day
You are ready to publish! Make sure you build several weeks between the proofreading (when the file is ready to upload to KDP) and your launch to market your book.
Manuscript Assessment
Developmental Editing
Line Editing
Copy Editing
The Arborist
The Florist
The Gardener
The Botanist

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