The Voices of Memoir: Past You and Narrative You

The Voices of Memoir: Past You and Narrative You

There’s an innate disconnect in the way we approach our memories that may affect our ability to tell our impactful stories in a way that best connects with readers: Who we are today is not who we were when these events happened, but both voices have equal claim to the narrative. How do we reconcile your pre- and post-enlightenment perspective when writing your memoir?

The Purpose of Beta Readers

The Purpose of Beta Readers

Beta readers are a great resource for getting feedback from enfranchised readers (people who are well immersed in the genre and type of content that you’ve created) on how market-ready your book is in its current form.

You’re Not Buried, You’re Planted

You’re Not Buried, You’re Planted

I’ve felt like I’ve been buried and can’t see the light of creative energy anywhere. But now that I’m wiggling my way out of my darkness, I’ve come to realize that the inadvertent break from my creative pursuits has allowed me to germinate a new perspective on productivity and creative expression. And I wanted to share some thoughts with you all.
