Line Editing

Service Overview

A line edit addresses issues found in a novel’s pacing, voice and tone consistency, character voice in dialogue, word choice, presentation of tension, and other corrections dealing with the general narrative flow.

As we go through the line edit, we leave comments in the novel to explain the changes we’ve made, the writing technique behind the changes, and occasionally additional resources for you, the author, to check out. Our goal is for you to strengthen your already-developed authorial voice and to bring your character’s personalities to the forefront of your novel’s POV.

While this is not a copy edit and will not explicitly address spelling, grammar, or other mechanical problems, any handling we do with the novel’s syntax will be in accordance with Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.

Words from Our Author, Shermon

When I began searching for editors, I was inundated with over 40 queries. I quickly weeded out any prospects that did not present themselves professionally and moved on to sample edits. This was where Rooted in Writing really shined. The writing itself is very important to me, and I wanted an editor that could bring my prose to the next level. I was blown away by the sample edit, and I knew immediately that this was who I wanted to work with. I was not disappointed.

Amber and her team are professionals, and they know what they’re doing. No matter where you are in your author journey, Rooted in Writing can help you cut away the fat and tighten your manuscript while keeping your author and character voices alive and humming. I very strongly recommend their services to anyone who wants a high-quality edit, and I promise that you will learn something along the way no matter where you are in your author journey.

Shermon Kodi

Heart of the Valley

Service Notes

1. INDIE AUTHORS: This service may be combined with a copy edit at our discretion once we have reviewed your manuscript’s content.

2. SCI-FI & FANTASY AUTHORS: Our line edits also do a world-building continuity check to make sure your second-world physics and magic systems are logical within themselves and don’t contradict themselves in descriptive detail or execution.

Sample Edit

We offer complimentary sample edits on one thousand words of your manuscript. Please send us your complete manuscript and we’ll select the thousand-word excerpt that will demonstrate the scope and style of editing you can expect for your manuscript. The first thousand words of a novel typically isn’t representative of the book’s overall writing style: it tends to be slower paced with lower stakes and more exposition.

If you would like a longer sample edit, we can do a sample edit on three thousand words for $25. This paid sample edit is credited to your project if you decide to go with us for the line edit.



Manuscript Edits

Using Microsoft Track Changes, we prune and polish your novel to cultivate its best self, leaving detailed comments throughout the novel suggesting revisions and explaining the changes we made. Since we use Microsoft Track Changes, you’re in control of accepting or rejecting whatever revisions we implement. As editors, it’s our job to uplift and polish your manuscript, but if there’s something you don’t like, you can always reject the change—we will always honor your artistic vision. When we’ve finished your project, you’ll get the whole manuscript with the final draft already assembled in one clean file.


Style Sheet PDF

While most editors provide style sheets only for copy edits, we provide style sheets for our line edits as well as our copy edits. This resource is used to document your unique writing style preferences that contribute to your novel’s tone, themes, and market. These notes are useful for the subsequent copyeditor, who will take your intentional style choices into consideration while correcting your grammar and mechanics.


(Optional) Post-Edit Consultation

You may schedule a 30-minute Zoom call with us after the edits are complete to walk you through the review process of the tracked changes, comments, and any additional resources before getting started on your revisions.


Second Global Pass on Manuscript

After you go through the manuscript’s edits and review our changes, you’ll make your needed revisions and send the manuscript back to us for a second and final review. (Limit to five thousand additional words.) We’ll review your changes, check rewrites for style, and export a final clean document for you to use for querying or copyediting.

Rates & Dates

Final edits will be returned after 4-6 weeks, depending on the word count and the manuscript’s condition. Rates range from $0.025 to $0.035 per word (for industry comp, check out the EFA’s rate chart). Please contact us for your custom project quote.


Manuscript Assessment

Developmental Editing

Line Editing

Copy Editing




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