Founded in 2016, Rooted in Writing® LLC is a full-service editorial agency specializing in commercial fiction. We’re here to help authors polish their hard work and prepare them for whatever lies ahead, whether that’s self-publishing, query letters, or even just getting started on your first draft. Our desire is for you to walk away from your editing experience having learned something new. After all, writing is about self-growth and embracing the human condition, regardless of our amount of previous experience. If we can show you something new about writing—an insight to character development, a discipline tool for productivity, or even clarity on a comma rule—we’ll consider our working relationship a success.
At Rooted in Writing, we believe that a successful editor must be rooted in the five principles of excellent editing: a sharp focus on grammar, a refined and professionally-enhanced intuition of story structure, a holy reverence for the balance of deadlines and flexibility, an open mind to a writer’s creative spirit, and a voracious love of reading.
As editors, we care deeply about bringing each story up to its full potential. As writers ourselves, we’re interested in all the nuances of story creation and construction. That’s how we decided to bring these two passions together, offering our curiosity, love of learning, and

Why the Name?
The art of writing is in many ways like a tree. We could wax poetic about characters blossoming and gnarly plot branches, but we’ll spare you. Underneath the metaphor, writing is a skill more than a talent, and like any skill, the best way to improve is through practice, instruction, and feedback. If you create a strong foundation of knowledge and experience, your skill will grow. As your editors, we dedicate all of our editorial experience and passion to your manuscript, giving it the pruning, weeding, and nurturing it deserves.
All Rooted in Writing services are designed to be:

We’re not here to just fix your grammar errors and tell you where to trim a plotline; we want to enrich your writing life with instructional corrections that provide additional tools for your writing toolbox. Our services are tailored with detailed explanations on craft techniques and littered with links for further reading. That’s part of the perks when working with an editor who’s also a story coach: every editing project has an educational component.

You’ve poured your heart, soul, wisdom, and fears and into your book. We want to honor that. Communication is key to any successful relationship, and we want to be sure we’re building up your book, not changing it into our own. We’ll do whatever we can to ensure we’re on the same page, from cover to cover. Whether you’re a debut author or seasoned backlister, we’re here to work with you on your book’s unique publishing journey as your cheerleaders. When you publish your book, you’ll feel encouraged and empowered to take ownership of the growth it’s undergone.

You write what you know, and we edit what we read. We are your ideal audience: enfranchised readers familiar with your genre’s conventions and market expectations. Based your novel on a Star Trek episode that changed your life? We’ve seen it. Obsessed with the latest Jay Kristoff or Brandon Sanderson novel? So are we. Huge Sarah J. Maas fan? Our second home is in Velaris. We are passionate word nerds who love to dedicate all of our professional attention to your stories. We’re blessed to say our passions and careers align.
Meet the Team
We are proud to be a small team of professional editors. Every member has graduated from a formal editing program and is an active member of at least one professional organization.

Manuscript Assessment
Developmental Editing
Line Editing
Copy Editing
The Arborist
The Florist
The Gardener
The Botanist

Rooted in Writing
For Editors
At the Root Critique
The Garden Shed: An Editor's Toolbox
Editor Education
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