Rooted in


Nurturing Evergreen Novels through Story-Rich Editing

Your Editorial Arborists in the Forest of Publishing

It’s easy to get lost in the forest of publishing. That’s why we’re here to help you navigate the publishing process without losing sight of what matters the most—your story. We keep you rooted in the quality of the writing itself while firmly planting you as an evergreen fixture in the publishing landscape.

You belong to this forest. Let us help you see the forest through the trees and thrive.

Choose Your Path

Our editing service menus are curated based on your desired publishing path.

Equipping Authors and Editors

In addition to editing, we provide an array of services and resources to nurture rising publishing professionals.

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We Fall in Love with
the “What If”

One of the most wonderful things about fantasy and speculative fiction is its unique opportunity to explore all the what-ifs this world can’t hold: What if there was magic? What if humanity’s corruptibility affected the soul of nature itself? What if we had the technology to go to that speck in the sky?

Speculative fiction allows us to take abstract fears, desires, and virtues and transform them into external forces. We can then put these new forces under a microscope to blow them up to epic proportions through world-building and larger-than-life heroes and villains. There is far more truth to be seen in the fantastical than the mundane, and we love serving authors who believe the same.

Whether you’re a beginner novelist with a love for storytelling or a seasoned author working on a new project, we’re prepared to get your manuscript ready for whatever lies ahead.

To use the hero’s journey, you’re crossing the threshold into the unknown world of publishing. While we can’t cross that finish line with you, we can serve as your Mentor archetype to equip you with the knowledge you need to query or self-publish boldly.

Let’s leave the what-ifs to our stories and take them out of your publishing process.


When I first came to Rooted in Writing, I had no idea how the process would go, only the knowledge that an editor was needed for a good book to be written. Amber was very patient with me through the process, and I honestly don’t think I could have made it through my first book without her. She gave amazing insight and helped me trim the fat off my book. She taught me so much about writing that will help me in future books. Thank you, Amber, for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you for making my dream a reality!


Alexandra Johnson

Although a manuscript evaluation is all I requested, I received so much more. I used the evaluation to shape my final novel that I am proud to say is in the process of being published. Amber pointed out the major flaws in my manuscript while at the same time giving words of encouragement. As any first-time author well knows, encouraging words are invaluable. I will recommend Amber Helt and Rooted in Writing to anyone seeking editorial services. Thanks for reading, and like Amber says . . . Happy Writing!


James Stevens

I was surprised by how thorough Rooted in Writing’s process was and all the information they provided during their editing services, like the book map and so many notes—both about things they loved and things I could improve. Their revisions were never critical but always positive and encouraging. It was also very cool to hear other people talk about my characters and understand their personalities! Before this experience, I was kind of embarrassed to let people read my book, but now have a first novel I can be proud of!

Diana Kristine Wells


Manuscript Assessment

Developmental Editing

Line Editing

Copy Editing




The Arborist

The Florist

The Gardener

The Botanist

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